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Polo Shirts: BK Polo Shirts purchased from are allowed in BK light blue, black, gray and white.
Quarter Zip Pullovers: BK ¼ zip pullovers purchased at approved vendors. A dress code polo must be worn under all ¼ zip pullovers with the collar visible.
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“Docker” style or dress slacks in twill material, loosely fitted, and worn at the waist in khaki, black, navy blue or gray.
“Lululemon-type” golf and casual dress pants are allowed as long as they have belt loops, a front close button and zipper, and non-elastic hems or cuffs.
The uniform plaid skirt/skort hemmed to reach the top of the knee. No solid color or sport skirts or skorts are allowed.
Wear flat-soled dress shoes.
Sperry and Hey Dude shoes plain in design and grey, black, brown, tan, or navy.
Sneakers in solid colors of black, white, gray, or navy. Decals and logos must be the same color as the shoe.
Clothing must be clean, wrinkle-free, modest, in good condition, and properly fitted.
Good grooming includes clean and combed hair styled appropriately for a professional setting. Extreme fashions in makeup, jewelry, and hairstyles are not allowed.
Bare midriffs, exposed undergarments, ripped/torn clothing, and clothing with political or drug/alcohol graphics prohibited.